Why Customers Don’t Like Inconsistency

What does consistency in life mean to you? Usually, it will mean something is trustworthy or reliable. If someone in your life is inconsistent with their actions towards you, chances are they don’t really care for you. When your car is acting up and not consistently starting in the morning when you turn the key or push the button, chances are that it will fail you for good. These kinds of things also plant the seeds of doubt in your mind and soon you begin to move away from the thing that is being inconsistent. Now consider that consumers are in full knowledge that they are parting ways with their hard-earned money, do you think they will take kindly to a business being inconsistent in any way? Nobody wants to take that bet, and no business ever should keep up their pattern of irregularity up for long.

Hesitancy causes hesitancy

When you are dealing with something publicly, you need to think hard before you communicate. For example, if you are answering the frustrated question of a customer on your social media account, make sure you are returning to their question with facts. When you make a public statement it can spread like wildfire. If you get it wrong, the truth will barely have it’s pants on before the misinformation has lapped the world already. Another thing to avoid is hesitancy when dealing with customers in the broad public forum. For example, if you are releasing an update of some kind such as for an app or software, stick to deadlines like you set them. If you are delaying something, inform your customers as soon as possible. Your hesitancy to provide the truth causes hesitancy from consumers and your sales could be affected. Therefore consistent communication should be your aim.

Evolution without abandonment

Products and services evolve along with business. However, just because something gets upgraded, improved or the entire thing is revamped and redesigned, you should maintain good brand consistency. Pay attention to the detail of what makes your product what it is, the premise of it the central heart and inner core of why it is successful. Keeping the same vibes for your brand helps to build integrity and allows consumers to believe that you believe in what you say you believe. It’s confirmation that you stand by your colors and word throughout the ages and different variations of your products and services. A great example is Pepsi. They have come out with different and updated products but have kept the same color scheme, the same logo, the same color product and the same branding of a Pepsi drink being great served cold, with snack food. Your brand should continue to evolve and seek to improve but there’s a fine line between evolving and abandoning what you’re known for to go with something totally different.

Customers want consistency from businesses because it gives them security in knowing they will be getting exactly what you advertise. It’s also a way of building brand integrity to stand by what you believe in and not go with whatever is popular on the day.

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