Top 20 Free ChatGPT Alternatives Worth Trying

ChatGPT Alternatives

Are you looking for ChatGPT Free Alternatives? Your search ends here! but wait why you need to switch from ChatGPT 😉 it’s so awesome right. Here is the list of top 20 free alternatives of OpenAI’s ChatGPT. You should try these once and choose the best one to meet your requirements.

Best ChatGPT Alternatives

Find below list of OpenAI’s ChatGPT Alternative tools. We have brief description, pros and cons list of these alternatives.

Google Bard

Google Bard (Google Gemini) is a powerful tool with a lot of potential. By being aware of its strengths and weaknesses, you can leverage it effectively for various tasks.


  1. Real-time information access: Google Bard can tap into the constantly updating web, offering the latest news and findings. This real-time feature makes it invaluable for research and staying informed on various subjects.
  2. Diverse text generation capabilities: Bard boasts an array of text generation functionalities, from creative formats to language translation and even coding. This versatility makes it a versatile tool for various writing needs.
  3. Reliable research aid: Bard shines in providing accurate answers to general inquiries and furnishing factual data, often accompanied by relevant sources for further exploration.
  4. Seamless integration: Bard seamlessly integrates with other Google products, streamlining data transfer and enhancing workflow efficiency.


  1. Accuracy concerns: Given Bard’s ongoing development, occasional inaccuracies may arise, potentially stemming from biases in its training data or difficulties in processing complex topics. Vigilance and verification of provided information are advisable.
  2. Limited citation visibility: While Bard can supply citations, they may not always be readily visible, posing challenges in assessing information credibility.
  3. Response limitations: Bard might struggle with highly specific or niche queries, resulting in generic or incomplete answers.
  4. Experimental nature: As an experimental AI, Bard continues to evolve, presenting occasional unexpected limitations or unintended outputs. Users should be prepared for potential quirks or shortcomings.


Copilot, GitHub’s AI coding assistant, offers invaluable support to developers, yet it’s accompanied by certain drawbacks. Here’s a comprehensive analysis:


  1. Enhanced Productivity: Copilot streamlines development by automating mundane tasks such as boilerplate code completion and suggesting function names, enabling developers to allocate more time to intricate programming challenges.
  2. Educational Resource: By proposing diverse code snippets and solutions, Copilot serves as an educational tool, exposing developers to novel methodologies and accelerating their learning curve.
  3. Problem-solving Aid: When confronted with algorithmic puzzles or syntax errors, Copilot can provide solutions or guide developers in the right direction, sparing them considerable debugging efforts.


  1. Code Quality Variability: While Copilot’s suggestions are helpful, their quality isn’t guaranteed. Generated code may exhibit inefficiencies, bugs, or even security vulnerabilities, necessitating thorough evaluation and testing by developers.
  2. Security Concerns: Given Copilot’s training on publicly accessible code, there’s a risk of it recommending snippets containing security loopholes. Developers must remain vigilant to detect and rectify potential vulnerabilities.
  3. Risk of Over-reliance: The convenience of Copilot may foster over-dependence, potentially leading developers to neglect fundamental principles of writing clean and efficient code, which could impede their long-term progress.
  4. Cost Implications: Utilizing Copilot entails a financial investment, as it requires a paid subscription within Visual Studio Code or GitHub Pro plans.

All Free ChatGPT Alternatives

  • Google Bard (Google Gemini)
  • Copilot
  • Perplexity AI
  • YouChat
  • Bing AI
  • Chatsonic
  • AI Chatbot
  • Poe
  • Jasper
  • Claude
  • Amazon CodeWhisperer
  • ELSA Speak
  • OpenAI Playground
  • Botsonic
  • Elicit
  • Replika
  • Neeva
  • Pi
  • HuggingChat