In This article you will learn some basic but cool telegram app tips and tricks. So lets start wit how to save important messages in your telegram app. If you use Telegram and you have to save some important messages, then Telegram has the feature of saving messages and documents. You can easily save any message and photo here.
Millions of people have started using Telegram after the news of WhatsApp’s privacy policy. In such a situation, many users are not aware of the special features of Telegram. Telegram has one such latest feature, which makes it different from other messaging apps. You can save any important message from the special feature of Telegram that we are telling you about. This is a very useful feature. With this feature, you can save your important work data such as photos, documents and audio files. Let us know that Telegram saves this data on the cloud. You can use the data by logging your account in any device. Let us know what you need to do for this.
Save your important messages and data in Telegram App
for this you click on the menu given in the top left in the Telegram app. Now select the save message given here. Now the box will open like a chat box, in which you can save the necessary messages, photos, videos and other documents. If you want, you can also delete old messages or photos from here.
Necessary messages are not available when the chat is long
sometimes while chatting, some important photos, messages or documents are in our chatbox. In such a long time, it is very difficult to search such important messages. Apart from this, these important messages are also deleted in the middle of many messages. To avoid this, you can save those messages or photos. This makes it very easy to search the necessary messages.
Explore WhatsApp Archives Option
to save messages or telegrams to get PTI Option in WhatsApp for. You can save any important chat here in the archive.