SEO Myths about Core Web Vitals You Should Know

SEO myths

In this article you will know SEO myths about core web vitals and search engine ranking. It is no secret everyone wants to optimise core web vitals and page speed.

Many SEOs have already started working for this and achieved good core web vital score and it is top priority for SEOs in 2022.

To refresh your memory, the Core Web Vitals are the metrics of your website’s greatest contentful paint, initial input display, and cumulative layout shift, and they reside at the intersection of SEO and web development.

These are the elements of your website that load initially and allow consumers to engage with it during the first few milliseconds of their visit. According to logic, the longer your site takes to load, the worse the user experience will be.

To begin with, this isn’t really fresh knowledge. We’ve all heard about page speed and how it impacts search engine optimization. We also understand how critical it is that your Core Web Vitals work properly on mobile, which accounts for over 60% of all Google searches.

Google takes its Core Web Vitals so seriously as ranking considerations that a CWV report can now be found in Google Search Console, and CWV metrics can now be seen in PageSpeed Insights results (mobile-only until February of 2022, when the metrics roll out for desktop).

Why, therefore, am I labelling it a myth that Core Web Vitals should be at the top of your 2022 SEO-optimization checklist?

It’s because Google has indicated unequivocally that having a top-of-the-line page experience does not outweigh generating fantastic content. In SEO, content is still king. One of the most important ranking elements is being informative and addressing user inquiries.

Also Read: What is Quality Content?

As a result, it’s a common fallacy that Google will not rank you well until all of your Core Web Vitals are in good shape.

Having it all, on the other hand, is the ultimate condition. You’ll probably do better in organic search if you have outstanding online content and optimised Core Web Vitals than if you don’t have strong Core Web Vitals.

In 2022, focus on your Core Web Vitals, but first create a robust content marketing strategy.