Is your website or blog possibly penalized by Google? Are you looking for Google penalty checker? There are many tools and ways by which you can find whether your website is penalised or not. You will find all answers for your questions in this post. You must know everything about Google’s penalty before reaching out any conclusion.
What is Google Penalty
A Google penalty is the negative impact on a website’s organic traffic and search engine rankings based on Google’s search algorithms or manual review. The penalty can be google’s algorithm update or manual review or search quality checks. It wants to give its users access to accurate information, unique content and the finest writers. It continually tweaks and improves its search algorithms so that the users may get best of the web. Google’s objective to provide fast, safe and relevant search results to Users. Many black Hat SEO and spammers try to play certain tricks with search engine results. Google impose penalty on such irrelevant and spammy websites.
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Types of Google Penalty
There are many penalty algorithms added to Google’s search. Some of them are as below.
Google Penguin
– Google penguin is an algorithm developed by Google. Google penguin aimed to target websites which follow unethical ways of link building. First update of Google penguin was implemented in April 2012. Know more what is Google Penguin
Google Panda
– Google has introduced this algorithm somewhere around Feb 2011. This algorithm is released to control low quality content websites in SERP’s (Search Engine Result Pages) Few years back most of the SEO guys were doing some practices. Know more what is Google Panda.
Google Manual Action Penalties
The Google Manual Action Penalties lists instances where a human reviewer/search quality expert has determined that pages on your site are not compliant with Google’s webmaster quality guidelines. These updates can be received and reviewed in Google’s search console.
Exact Match Domain (EMD)
The Exact Match Domains (EMD) Update is a filter algorithm Google launched in September 2012 to prevent poor quality sites from ranking well with the help of keyword oriented domain names.
Google Page Layout Penalty
Google page layout penalty/ algorithm was originally launched in 2012. It is related to layout of page and ads above the first fold.
How to Check Google Penalty
Here is simple and effective guide how to check google penalty. Google tweaks and update its algorithm regularly. If you are an SEO or webmaster you should keep an eye on these updates. There are many examples in the past where site negatively impacted by Google’s update such as HTTPS as ranking signal, Hummingbird update, caffeine update.
1. Track Your Website Traffic Regularly
2. Analyze the Organic Traffic Trends for your website
3. Check if there is noticeable organic traffic drop (You can check this by filtering traffic organic sources in Google Analytics)
4. If you notice any traffic drop, search “Latest Google Algorithm Update” You can also track search engine news websites.
Google Penalty Checker Tools and Websites
If you are busy enough to track and monitor daily traffic and search algorithm updates. You can use any of the tools available to check Google’s penalty. Although some of the tools you find in SERPs are fake. Any of these tools surely follow the above process. It will surely analyze your website traffic and algorithm updates during these days. It is better to analyze it your own.