With over 24,000 WordPress plugins, It is very difficult to choose few for your website. Find 10 Best Free WordPress Plugins based on various site features. When I started writing this post it was a big hurdle of choosing only 10 plugins. selecting only 10 WordPress plugins is mind storming thing to me. Once I thought what method should I choose to select top 10 plugins? highest downloads? or highest ratings?. No I have created my own list based on features requirement of a wordpress website or blog.
Free WordPress Plugins for Several website Features
There are several plugins for same kind of features in wordpress plugin directory. You can donwload these plugins direcly from wordpress directory. Remember do not trust free plugins hosted on other websites.
WordPress SEO Plugin
1. WordPress SEO by Yoast Plugin
SEO is most important part of website. SEO is the first thing comes in mind when starting new website. Though wordpress platfrom is itself so much SEO friendly, but SEO by Yoast plugin gives you much flexibilities and features. I love its features, when you start writing post, it will let you know SEO score of your post. Other good one plugin is All in one SEO pack. Download
Site Performance Plugin
2. W3 Total Cache Plugin
Site Performance is the second choice for a good website or blog. It is always good to provide a fast web browsing experience to your users. It is also good for SEO of the website. W3 Total Cache provide you N number of features from which I like Minify feature that will minify your javacsripts, and multiple css files in one. It also removes the whitespaces and line breaks from web page source. Another good plugin is WP Super Cache for same feature. Download
WordPress Spam Protection Plugin
3. Defensio Anti Spam Plugin
Akismet is the best plugin for wordpress spam protection but for it is not free for business websites. The alternate free plugin for spam protection is Defensio. It is very good plugin which protect your website or blog from spam comments. Download
Social Sharing Plugin
4. ShareBar WordPress Plugin
Social networking and sharing is the key of success of any website. More and more traffic cen be generated through social networking sites. Your site or blog must hacve social network sharing features. If you are provding good content and information to your website users. They would love to share your content on social media sites. Download
Related Posts Plugin
5. Yet Another Related Posts Plugin
It is the best plugin to show related posts on your blog post page. This plugin is widely used on very famous websites and blogs. Google Spam team head Mr Matt Cutts use this plugin on his personal blog. Download
Gallery Plugin
6. NextGen Gallery Plugin
When it comes to image and gallery plugins, NextGen Gallery is the best which gives you extra ordinary features. You will love its gallery short codes. It is very easy to manage and create different galleries through this plugin. Download
WordPress Security Plugin
7. Better WP Security
Secure your website or blog from hackers and spammers. Better WP Security is the best plugin which let you know all the loopholes of wordpress website security. Download
Contact Form Plugin
8. Contact Form 7
It is very important for any business website to have user interactive contact form. Contact Form 7 is the best plugin which gives you ultimate flexibilty of creating your own custom contact forms. And the cool part is, you can use shoort code for applying contact form on any page or post. Download
XML Sitemaps Plugin
9. Google XML Sitemaps Plugin
XML sitemap is most important part of SEO. Google XML Sitemaps Plugin will help you in creating xml sitemap for your website or blog. This plugin supports all kinds of WordPress generated posts, pages and as well as custom URLs. Download
Content Import Plugin
10. WordPress Importer Plugin
When it comes to content importing in wordpress blog or website WordPress Importer is top in the list. You can import all website content, posts only, pages only through wordpress importer plugin. Download