4 Basic Services Any SEO Expert and Digital Marketing Agency in Houston Offers

online advertising

When you think about Houston, Texas, one thing comes to mind. NASA’s control and training center. Anyone who has lived half their life known the famous words “supposedly” said by the famous astronaut John Swigert, whilst on the Apollo 13 spaceflight  “Houston we have a problem”, this was said to have been mentioned when the people on board the aircraft noticed an explosion that rendered the vehicle inoperable.

Nowadays we use it as an indication of something unforeseen that has happened and we mention this phrase. In any case, even though Houston was famously known for NASA and its space center. The city has become over-ridden by several new and improved businesses within the creative sectors as well.

Online Adevrtising

In one article online it is stated that this city is being overtaken by a diverse group of youngsters with different views, values, and needs, much different from their precursors, read more on this source. Many annual events are celebrated in the city due to its rich culture and arts scene booming with creative types. From the Art Car Parade to the Bayou City Art Festival and the Greek Festival as well. Every year has something of a creative aspect to look forward to.

The Numbers Don’t Lie

One of the directions that these thought patterns and creative emergence have established includes new ways to do business. Implementing new and improved ways of advertising and marketing businesses as well as its products or services. This is a multi-billion-dollar industry and expenditure reaches almost over 170 billion dollars since 2015. The number of adverting agencies has been speedily growing.

In 2017 alone there were 14,000 ad agencies in the US. This does not even include the PR agencies, Media representatives, Direct Mail agencies to name a few. The statistics are in plain site https://www.statista.com/statistics/184810/establishments-in-us-advertising-and-related-services/. The numbers don’t lie, the digital marketing and public relations services are here to stay.

But what are they good for? We shall look at a few of the professional services they offer.

Services offered

Services Offered by Professional Digital Marketing Agencies

If you’re looking into either promoting your whole business in Houston or simply choosing specific items from it due to lack of sales or you just implemented a new service or product and need people to know it’s there and they can invest in it, hiring a digital marketing agency to do the hard work so you can reap the rewards, is the best investment to make. The four basic services one should provide its customers are below.

1. SEO Consulting and Implementation. Any decent agency will offer consulting services, the best ones don’t even charge for it. This is the first step in anything. They need to do an initial analysis of your business and its numbers. Taking into consideration aspects such as how to improve your existing website, what the search engine performance looks like, reviewing the links, and incoming engagement for instance. The Houston SEO expert will then provide you with a tailored and customized plan of action, that will include actionable steps and advice you on the best thing they can do to drive more traffic to your website and the business. This stage is the most fundamental one.

2. Social Media Management. The idea behind social media is to come up with proven strategies that will the agency to increase your audience and reach whilst building your brand and increasing awareness at the same time. It may sound complicated but it works and any knowledgeable candidate will know what steps to take. It will include creating shareable content and images throughout all the popular platforms.

3. Lead Generation. This one is all about the number i.e. the end-results. This service seeks to activate a list of analysis and steps that are done from the word go, once the advert is placed till the buying cycle that will entice the customer to purchase your goods or services. It is the trackable part of the services and will help show the results to gauge the ROI (Return of Investment). It is literally as the name states – generating leads.

4. Website Design and Development. No decent business will make a cent without a website, and no decent business will make a cent with a bad website either. This is where this service comes in. Building a website is one thing, making sure it works according to standards is another. SEO (Search engine Optimisation) is the ‘Tool’ that most sites use to make sure they are ranked on Google’s first or at least the second page.  With a good website, your ranking will get higher, your engagement will increase, you will get more click-throughs and the best part is – you will increase the number of paying customers.

Investing in your business advertising budget, can mean the difference between being successful at it, or letting your competition get ahead of you and going bust.

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